Do not use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older. They also say that the maximum tolerable level is .40%. Add the sulfur contribution from estimated water intake, Express the sum of sulfur intakes as a % of total DMI. This is needed for body growth and not just in the muscle area. They reported lower blood pH, lower urine pH, lower blood HCO3 levels and … Ringworm, an unsightly skin disease, is contagious from animal to animal and can be transmitted between species. Apply to CSU | Such performance problems may attributed to another cause (heat stress, copper deficiency) while the potential role high sulfur has played goes unnoticed. If you are interested in learning more about the role forages play in the cattle digestion then check out one of my previous articles “Roughages more important that you think”. If a cow eats 1 pound of grain, there's usually only a small percentage left in the manure." Website Login One of the tasks that it does is it is part of the essential amino acids that make up protein. One of the most important sources of dietary sulfur in our region is water. Dr. Gould and colleagues have demonstrated that a common cause of PEM is sulfur toxicity. According to a paper from the University of Georgia the sulfur requirement is only 0.15% of intake. Minerals not provided by feed can be easily and inexpensive… Because of U.S. FDA regulations, the concentration of supplemental selenium in diets cannot be increased above 0.3 ppm, even when sulfur can interfere with selenium absorption. Flatus that is high in sulfur-containing compounds is more odiferous than farts consisting almost exclusively of nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Sulfur Toxicity in Feedlot Cattle1 John J. Wagner, Ph.D. Often a winter problem, ringworm is most frequently seen in young animals. Now this might not seem like much you should consider that dormant Bermuda grass can contain over 3000ppm, so you can see how easy it is to cause sulfur toxicity. This will tell you what nutrients it will provide and what it will be lacking in. Under normal circumstances the animal can get all the sulfur their body requires just from their normal diet. Sulfur blocks help cattle to retain some salt. Estimated increased milk production per cow over the following year exceeded 3 lbs per day, and was sufficient to rapidly pay off the purification system. Data are presented on the total sulfur content of common feeds used in concentrate mixtures for dairy cows. The microorganisms will need the inorganic sulfur to create the right amino acids from the NPN. An Integrated Livestock Management research team, headed by Dr. Dan Gould, professor in Pathology at CSU, has been conducting research on effects of cattle sulfur intake for several years. What you want to notice is the overall percentage. This assessment requires estimation of total sulfur concentration (TSC) of dry matter consumed from all sources, including the contribution made by water. Like many nutrients, however, it can be consumed at excessive levels that become harmful to the animal. When an animal ingests a sulfur compound, free-range hydrogen ions roaming around the rumen cause a conversion to hydrogen sulfide, which is the toxic agent. Sulfur has been shown to improve the digestion of cellulose such as methionine and cysteine. The sulfur intake was con- sistently lower for methionine hydroxy analog (MHA) than for sodium sulfate at the same dietary sulfur because the cows ate less feed. All one need do is consult any of the internet chat groups or visit the local sale barn to hear armchair veterinary advice about the so-called advantages of feeding sulfur salt to livestock. If there is an excessively high amount of sulfur, such as dried distillers grains, then it would probably be in your best interest to not feed it if you already have a high amount of sulfur in your forages and water. A new form of polio (polioencephalomalacia), resulting from cattle consuming high levels of sulfur in range situations, is hitting some cowherds hard in certain areas of the U.S. Identifying what leads to sulfur toxicity in a range scenario, and how to effectively treat, and ideally prevent, its occurrence can eliminate a costly wreck for producers in many areas. Although severe thiamin deficiency states have not been demonstrated under high sulfur intake conditions, moderate thiamin deficits are possible. Contact Us | Non-reduced forms of sulfur such as sulfate and elemental sulfur are relatively non-toxic, whereas H2S and its various ionic forms are highly toxic substances that interfere with cellular energy metabolism and cause tissue damage. If there is a high amount of sulfur, like say in your water, then increasing the forage intake of your cattle to an extent can help with that. Diets for growing and finishing cattle should be formulated to contain 0.15 percent sulfur on a dry matter basis. As with everything there are pros and cons to using them. The sulfur-containing amino acid content of the protein is probably the reason that protein rich forage such as alfalfa can contribute significant amounts of sulfur to the diet. The maximal tolerated concentration of sulfur for cattle and sheep depends on the type of diet. The accepted maximal safe water sulfate concentration is estimated at 300ppm. This will allow the proper absorption of the amino acids without causing an over excess of it in the body. The sulfur occurs as sulfate salts. High sulfur intake conditions can result in conditions that lead to destruction of thiamin. When there is an excess of sulfur it can cause different types of problems. Since high-quality forages and/or grains can furnish a large portion of the required minerals, producers should select supplements that will meet animal requirements and avoid excesses that reduce profits and lead to unnecessary mineral excretion. Therefore high sulfate water can represent a substantial amount of sulfur intake in these animals. Daily dry matter intake = (1.85% X BW in lbs) + (0.3 X daily milk in lbs). Now you may be thinking that with the importance that sulfur plays in a living organism that must mean that you will need to supplement with a block but that is not always true. Courtesy of Drs. H2S has the odor of rotten eggs. The primary use is for external parasite control such as ticks and mites. Since one of the effects of high sulfate intake is limited feed intake, this may explain some of the reduced performance seen in animals on high sufur diets. When all else fails you should follow the feeding instructions that is provided on the tag of the sulfur block. Higher amounts (0.29%) are recommended for calves consuming milk or milk replacers. Some plants produce a modified WDG (45 to 50 percent dry matter). They can get it from the forages they consume and depending on where you are located they can even get it from the water they drink. A general recommendation is to feed a nitrogen-to-sulfur ratio of 10:1. The saliva that they produce while chewing their cud can help negate the high amount of sulfur that they could be consuming. Professor and General Manager Southeast Colorado Research Center Colorado State University Lamar, Colorado Introduction: Sulfur is an important component of many functions in the body and is an essential nutrient for beef cattle. It would provide any help and in most cases the risks outweigh any potential, if any, benefits. Grasses tend to be low in sulfur, although under some circumstances grasses can accumulate high concentrations of sulfate. A couple of symptoms of toxicity can be reduced growth rate and appetite. As mentioned earlier sulfur is a necessary mineral for the well being of your animal. The initial focus of these research efforts was on a brain disease of cattle known as polioencephalomalacia (PEM, polio, brainer cattle). Colorado State University. It can be found in every cell of the body and helps to regulate body functions. When dietary sulfur is consumed by ruminants it is reduced to sulfide by ruminal microorganisms. But fiber and protein content is higher in distillers grains than corn grain. Despite this mineral’s importance it is very rare that you will need to supplement for it. In our region, this severe form of sulfide toxicity is usually seen in feedlot and grazing beef cattle. It can then be either incorporated into microbial protein or absorbed, converted to sulfate and excreted. Tucker et al. This is good for their kidneys, other muscles, and heart. by Heather Smith Thomas. Since the margin between desirable and maximum level is so small the possibility of sulfur toxicity is very strong. Excess ruminal sulfide can depress ruminal motility Excess dietary sulfur can also result in secondary metabolic effects due to interference with other nutrients. Sulfur is present in protein, certain vitamins (thiamin and biotin), enzymes and other compounds. Ethanol byproducts may contain a high concentration of sulfur. Dan Gould and Frank Garry. Compared to the other minerals typically sulfur does not need to be supplemented. Sulfur is a necessary mineral that is needed in order to maintain life. We also recognize this problem in range cattle. A formula of 80 percent hydrated lime, 15 percent copper sulfate, and 5 percent flowers of sulfur (acts as an antiseptic) can be used. Macrominerals include, besides Sulfur, Calcium, Phosphorus, Salt (NaCl), Magnesium, and Potassium. Evidence mounts that you should consider sulfur fertilizer for corn, particularly in fields low in organic matter. The soluble hydrosulfide anion is in the rumen fluid phase and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas accumulates in the rumen gas cap. Sulfur intake can occur from a variety of sources, and it requires a close look to determine what level of sulfur a herd is consuming. Because they can get it naturally it can be very easy to overprovide it. Many nutrient elements are assessed for total quantity of intake, such as grams/day or lbs/day. Many distillers grains samples test between 25 and 35 percent protein. Sulfur is one macromineral that is important for the health of cattle. One of the tasks that it does is it is part of the essential amino acids that make up protein. This is a problem of the cerebral cortex that occurs suddenly and leads to blindness, abnormal behavior, severe depression, convulsions, and death. Cattle producers can mitigate the winter conditions to some extent with proper planning, facility design and good management practices. All Rights Reserved. To estimate sulfur concentration relative to DMI, contributed by water: To estimate sulfur concentration relative to DMI provided by feed: Dan Gould, DVM, PhD, Professor of Pathology, CSU. Sulfur is a necessary mineral that is needed in order to maintain life. Beef cattle require a number of minerals for optimal growth and reproduction. Sulfur salt blocks have generated a love/hate relationship among cattlemen. Because of U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations, the concentration of supplemental selenium in diets cannot be increased above 0.3 ppm, even when sulfur can interfere with selenium absorption. The ones that love them say that it helps with external parasite control. Recommended dietary sulfur concentrations are 0.20% of diet dry matter for most dairy cattle (NRC 2001). Like many nutrients, however, it can be consumed at excessive levels that become harmful to the animal. Calcium. If researchers can find an agent that binds those hydrogen ions, they hypothesize that they can reduce the production of hydrogen sulfide and reduce the effects of sulfur toxicity. Add sulfur contributions from supplements that may not be analyzed as part of the TMR. Lower levels of ruminal sulfide can also produce adverse effects. This is only so that they animal can properly digest and absorb the protein. Cruciferous forages, such as turnip, rape, and oilseed meals are also rich in sulfur. A deficiency in this can lead to things like diarrhea, light hair coats, broken bones, and infertility. It can take as little as 10 pounds per acre of sulfur, typically at a cost of 50¢ per pound or less to give a corn yield response, says Dan Kaiser, University of … The possibility that dairy cattle may be consuming too much sulfur has not received much attention, and so it is very reasonable that this nutritional issue can be routinely overlooked. It can also be found in large concentrations in hair, skin, and hooves. If a total mixed ration is analyzed, this is the value to be used as %S for feed. There are ones who love them and swear by them, then there are others who feel they are a waste of money. To calculate the estimated total sulfur concentration (TSC) as a percentage of dry matter consumed: TSC = %S from water + %S from feed. There is a very real possibility that you are limiting your cows' productivity by effects of high sulfur. The best way to prevent this from occurring is to have the feedstuffs you will be providing tested. Foods that lead to increased gas production increase the volume of flatus. Sulfur used for body storage or milk produc- tion increased with increasing sulfur except for the MHA treatment. Sulphur plays an important role in the dietary cation-anion balance of dairy cows. The purpose of this article is to draw your attention to this issue and encourage you to evaluate your herd's sulfur feeding. Sulfur is a drug so I don't know how much should be feed. If these are reported as sulfate (SO4), remember to divide by 3 to calculate the actual sulfur (S) content. Sulfur is a chemical element that is present in all living tissues. Routinely use a dry mineral mixture in a walk-through foot box. If individual feed ingredients or forage components are analyzed, multiply the % as DM for each ingredient by the proportion of the diet it represents. Sulfur is therefore a component of virtually all forages and concentrates. In situations where individual’s animals may consume more of a particular dietary ingredient selectively, dietary total sulfur concentration (TSC) may be elevated. This is needed for body growth and not just in the muscle area. These projects demonstrate that PEM is only one of the outcomes of excess sulfur intake. The disease is characterized by blindness, staggering, inability to rise and sometimes, seizures. Whether this benefit was due entirely to reduced sulfate intake or the removal of several impurities was not specifically evaluated. This sulfur salt lick or block is especially recommended when feeding urea or other non-protein nitrogen compounds in ruminant diets. With moderately high levels of sufur intake PEM may not occur, but animal performance can be affected. If your goal is to produce stinky farts, eat foods that contain sulfur compounds, such as cabbage and eggs. If that isn’t enough just providing the block itself won’t help you out much anyways. These weeds include Canada thistle, kochia and lambsquarter. The cow requires dietary sulfur primarily to provide adequate substrate for maximal ruminal microbial growth. Some researchers have suggested a lower maximum tolerable sulfur concentration of 0.26% for lactating dairy cattle. The possibility of sulfur-associated PEM can be assessed by measuring the sulfur content of the water and dietary ingredients and then estimating the total sulfur intake on a dry-matter basis. When crystallized, it is yellow. Use of sulfamethazine in this class of cattle may cause milk residues. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, and is an integral part bone and nerve … If sulfur intake is large, excessive rumen-generated sulfide can be absorbed in sufficient quantities to result in polio. Sulfate salts have been used in feedlot rations as intake limiting agents to minimize the risk of overfeeding. Although the stimulus for the ILM research projects initially was PEM problems, it appears the more insidious problems are likely far more common and more important. Certain weeds seem to be able to accumulate large amounts of sulfate if large amounts of sulfur are available in the soil. For dairy cows maximum tolerable TSC is recommended to be 0.26% to 0.4% on a dry matter basis. This is probably due to the formation of copper sulfide and/or the thiomolybdate-copper complex. The maximum tolerable dietary concentration of sulfur is 0.4% of the ration on a dry matter basis. For feedback regarding this site, contact Webmaster at [email protected]. "If you are feeding grain, you're going to see seed in manure, especially if it isn't ground. Allow cows to stand in dry soil or sand, even if it means piling it on concrete for cows to stand on. By estimating the TSC for your herd, based on measured sulfur content of all consumed nutrients, it is possible to evaluate potential hazards. Privacy Statement | Neither one of these are desirable if you are trying to grow beef. You need to weigh the options yourself and decide if it could be something that will work for you. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Do not use in calves under one (1) month of age or calves being fed an all milk diet. Ringworm in Cattle. This makes the range between requirement and toxicity is very small. Copper bioavailability is decreased by high dietary sulfur concentrations. Determine the concentration of sulfur (S) in the total mixed ration or individual diet ingredients.These are usually reported as % S as DM. “Roughages more important that you think”, The Insider’s Guide to Cattle Summer Mineral. Determine the concentration of sulfate (SO4) in the water by laboratory analysis. r/Ranching: A place for stockmen, grass farmers, and cowboys to gather. Sulfur. Dairy cattle rations often include some of these high sulfur feeds. Substituting urea and other nonprotein nitrogen compounds for natural proteins in the diet lowers the sulfur content of a ration. Corn, molasses and sugar beet processing byproducts can be high in sulfur because sulfur-containing acidifying agents may be used in the process. High water sulfate content is common in this region, but cannot be predicted solely on a geographic basis, requiring water analysis for proper identification. The samples of hominy feed and corn gluten feed analyzed contained approximately 10 times as much sulfur as earlier values indicate. Sulfur is an element, and is one of the few in nature that can be found in its pure form instead of in combination with other elements. Additionally, hot weather conditions also can result in evaporation which increases sulfate concentration. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Use in these classes of calves may cause violative tissue residues to remain beyond the withdrawal time. A person may be at risk for contracting ringworm when handling affected animals. When cattle are transitioning to high sulfate intake conditions, the ruminal sulfide concentration peaks 1 to 3 weeks after the change. Analysis of sulfur intake is required to identify this cause. Some Colorado dairies have indeed found production benefits from water purification. Although this article has focused on sulfur intake, other water impurities such as nitrate and nitrite can also affect dairy production. This is a question that needs to be studied more thoroughly. Sulfide exists in the rumen in 2 forms. Many dairy ration formulations emphasize the use of legume forages and commodity feeds that are typically high in sulfur, and the ability to substantially reduce sulfur intake by feed modifications can be limited. If excessive sulfur is consumed, imbalances in ruminal microbial metabolism can occur, and excessive ruminal sulfide accumulates. The minimal and maximal limits for sulfur intake are rather expressed as percent of intake, because the utilization and availability of sulfur are closely related to rumen microbial metabolism, and thus are related to total feed intake. While putting sulfur powder has been shown to help in that area there is no, as far as I’m aware, no evidence that the block does that. Cows fed diets (including sulfur from water) with 0.40% sulfur also have lower absorption of selenium than cows fed diets with 0.20% sulfur. Please enable scripts and reload this page. When the estimated total sulfur concentration (TSC) has been calculated, it can then be compared to the maximum tolerable sulfur concentration. As I mentioned earlier sulfur can also interact with the other minerals that are in the diet, such as copper. Then add the proportionally adjusted sulfur concentrations for all the components. Dry matter of wet distiller grains (WDG) differs from 25 to 35 percent between plants. Water purification can be beneficial by removing multiple mineral contaminants. Sulfur is an essential nutrient in cattle diets. Water consumption by cattle is temperature dependent and increases greatly at high temperatures. The disease can also occur as outbreaks of disease that affect several animals in a short time period. Compared with all other farm animals, lactating dairy cows require the greatest amount of water in proportion to their size. In the fall, wet, cold conditions negate the natural insulation value of the hair coat … An estimate of water intake in liters for lactating cows is = 16 + (1.6 X DMI in kg) + (milk production in kg) + (1.2 X minimum daily temperature in degrees C). The National Research Council recommends between 1500 to 2000 ppm of sulfur. Sulfur is an essential nutrient in cattle diets. Cattle producers have, over recent years, become well aware that high levels of sulfur molybdenum and other minerals in a cow's diet can affect her ability to absorb copper. A recent national survey of water sources for beef cattle found 21% of samples exceeded the levels considered safe for all livestock. Since some ground water has high concentrations of sulfate, water purification may be very beneficial for affected dairies. Sulfur is used as a feed and mineral supplement to goats and other classes of livestock. Unless you will be feeding a non-nitrogen protein then putting out a sulfur block probably wouldn’t be necessary. The possibility that dairy cattle may be consuming too much sulfur has not received much attention, and so it is very reasonable that this nutritional issue can be routinely overlooked. Fall and spring in the northern Plains can be challenging seasons for weaning and calving. Cows fed diets (including sulfur from water) with 0.40% sulfur also have lower absorption of selenium than cows fed diets with 0.20% sulfur. Research findings have clarified many aspects of how toxicity occurs, how the cattle respond to excess sulfur intake, and suggest that many dairy operations may have excess sulfur intake as well. Liters of water intake multiplied by mg S/L = intake of S in mg. Divide by 1000 for intake of sulfur (S) in grams. More commonly, lower sulfur intakes that do not produce clinical disease can substantially decrease animal performance. Too much sulfur can cause problems with fat loss, though. Various combinations of these forages commonly explain some of the range cattle problems we have seen. Be sure to include sulfur (S) contributed by feed additives used to adjust DCAD. Shows that a common cause of PEM is sulfur toxicity is very rare you... Weeds include Canada thistle, kochia and lambsquarter is in the diet lowers the sulfur requirement is one! 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