c) The saturation voltage V CE for silicon transistor is same as that for germanium. The driver transformer has center- tapped secondary to provide, A. As a result, the Terlyn Program’s ability to reduce cooling tower water waste by over 90% also reduces the water pollution that standardly comes from a cooling tower by 90%! What is the cause for low voltage when the breaker is off? The __________ the voltage regulation, the better the operation of the voltage supply circuit. The purpose of a biocide is to kill any bacteria or organisms that try to live inside the cooling tower”s water (ie. What is the typical value of coupling capacitor Cc in RC coupling? Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of Electronics page-17:241. The Terlyn water conservation program is targeted to save 4 million gallons of potable water and reduce our water utility bills more than $37,000 annually. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. More leakage 4. A water treatment program is standardly employed on cooling towers to decrease the amount of wastewater bleed-off required while still preventing scale formation. The frequency response of transformer coupling is, 98. What is the basic purpose of applying negative feedback to an amplifier? Which of the following statement is true? Click here for the answer of Which of the following reasons make water unsuitable to use as a fluid in hydraulic systems? Help me go forward with the same spirit. Bleed-off or bypass flow-control circuit -- at rest with pump running. 53. Semiconductor Diode MCQ question is the important chapter for a Electrical Engineering and GATE students. Transformer coupling is generally employed when load resistance is. This is possible because our scale inhibitor treatment, CWT3, has a molecular bonding strength that is 30x higher than the strongest traditional scale inhibitor. The operating point is generally located at ______________ of dc load line in class A operation. If you are looking for a reviewer in Electronics Engineering this will definitely help. What class of operation is used for general amplification where no distortion can be tolerated? MCQ in Rectifier ; MCQ in Filters ; MCQ in Voltage Regulation; Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 2 of the Series. What class of operation is used where a portion of a signal only is required, such as the synchronizing pulse separator of a television receiver? This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 2 of the Series in Electronic (Audio/RF) Circuit, Analysis and Design as one of the Electronics Engineering topic. …See more bleed-off circuit is used for bleeding or geting air out of a hydraulic line Upvote (1) Downvote (0) Reply (0) Which of the following describes a common collector amplifier? 81. An instrument use to measure ones location in terms of coordinates. Fig. a. bleed off circuit is used to restrict the flow of fluid into the hydraulic cylinder b. bleed off circuit is used to restrict the flow of fluid out of the hydraulic cylinder c. bleed off circuits are used to reduce the speed of actuator d. all of the above A. Inversely proportional to square root of. a. inductive . 11256 47th Street North The main difference between a bleed-off circuit and a meter-in/meter-out circuit is that in a bleed-off circuit, opening the flow-control valve decreases the speed of the actuator, whereas in the case of a meter-in/meter-out circuit, it is the other way around. Why is transformer coupling provides high frequency? In Preparation for the ECE Board Exam make sure to expose yourself and familiarize in each and every questions compiled here taken from various sources including but not limited to past Board Exam Questions in Electronics Engineering field, Electronics Books, Journals and other Electronics References. An air gap is usually inserted in magnetic circuits to (a) increase m.m.f. b) The saturation voltage V CE for germanium transistor is more than silicon transistor. 69. Categories: Hydraulic Circuits | … However, it does not compensate for pump slip. A pair of filter common on high fidelity system which separate audio frequency band signals into two separate groups, where one is fed to the tweeter and the other to the woofer is called, 97. The discharging of the capacitors is really important because even if the power supply is OFF, a charged capacitor can give a shock to anybody. How much is the overall gain? Bleed-off circuit Flow to the cylinder is regulated by metering part of the pump flow to tank. 78. Why is my outlet voltage abnormal? 94. The general characteristics of a common base amplifier are, A. The bleeder resistor is used in the circuit for safety purposes. Role of Bleeder Resistors in Power Electronics Circuit: In high voltage DC power supply, capacitors are used to smooth out the fluctuations in the output side. Class C operation can have _____________ percent efficiency. Also provides professionals with materials for their lectures and practice exams. 73. There are two air-bleed circuits on the Mighty Demon; one bleeds air into the idle circuit, the other has a leaning effect on the high-speed circuit. A type of oscillator wherein the frequency is determined by the charge and discharge of resistor-capacitor networks used in conjunction with amplifiers or similar devices. In modem EHV circuit breakers, the operating time between instant of receiving trip signal and final contact separation is, of the order of (A) 0.001 sec (B) 0.015 sec (C) 0.003 sec (D) 0.03 sec. algae, legionella, etc.). 100. What Is Cooling Tower Bleed-Off / Blowdown? May 6, 2017 by admin « Back CONTENTS Next » 1. (d) Reciprocity. The circuit is located in a remote area that is prone to power failure, so it was designed to automatically close the gate in case power went off. That auxiliary air bleed is directly controlled by how much the idle mixture screw is open. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 175 9.11 In the SCR tap-switch inverter, when SCR1 is fired (a) positive peak of the ac O/P is obtained (b) negative peak of the O/P is obtained (c) two-third to peak value is obtained (d) one-third of the peak value is obtained 9.12 In Fig. 70. That’s a lot of water! What class of operation has little use in general purpose amplifiers, but is used in high frequency oscillators? Why is my outlet voltage abnormal? 99. (c) both supplies and receives energy. To amplify dc signals, multistage amplifier uses what coupling? Cooling tower bleed-off/blowdown is the flushing of a portion of high mineral concentration cooling tower system water down the drain, while simultaneously replacing it with fresh water. The basic reason why a full wave rectifier has a twice the efficiency of a half wave rectifier is that a. it makes use of transformer b. its ripple factor is much less c. it utilizes both half-cycle of … Intermediate Bleed: The intermediate bleed is found on 3 circuit carburetors ONLY. Electrical size of coupling capacitor becomes very large, D. Electrical size of coupling capacitor becomes very small. A fast bleed circuit is switched out during normal operation so that no power is wasted; when power is switched off, the fast bleeder is connected, rapidly bleeding down the voltage. It can be observed from this diagram: Cooling tower bleed-off/blowdown is the flushing of a portion of high mineral concentration cooling tower system water down the drain, while simultaneously replacing it with fresh water. Which of the following theorem is used for the analysis of a transistor circuit (a) Thevenin’s theorem. Figure showing below the Bleed-off flow control circuit, where we … 54. (d) none of the above. If the noise factor of an ideal amplifier expressed in dB, then it is, 61. Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) on Magnetism 17 Most Asked Objective Questions or MCQ on Network Theorems for Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) on Network Theorem 1. CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: WE ARE OPEN! 52. The frequency of oscillation is __________ L and C in an LC oscillator. For BJTs a snubber circuit consists of a small series inductor L connected in the collector circuit, and an RC network is connected between the collector and emitter as shown in Figure. A passive element in a circuit is one which (a) supplies energy. And a bleed-off circuit only works with multiple actuators if they operate one at a time. Practically, the voltage gain of an amplifier is expressed. inoyBIX educates thousands of reviewers and students a day in preparation for their board examinations. In some cases, cooling towers are allowed to flush their blowdown water not into the sanitary sewer system, but into the stormdrain that flows directly into the environment with no treatment whatsoever. Bleeder resistors are standard high value resistors which are used to discharge the capacitor in filter circuit. Why are bleed off circuits used? What coupling provides maximum voltage gain? This process dilutes the system water mineral concentrations that steadily increase due to water evaporation. Fig. In AC to DC rectifiers, the DC link capacitors are used to maintain the smooth DC waveform. In AC to DC rectifiers, the DC link capacitors are used to maintain the smooth DC waveform. explain any one type of accumulator with sketch(4) 9) Explain with neat sketch quick exhaust valves (3) 10) State any four reasons of failure of hydraulic seals (3) 11) Explain pressure compensated flow control valve with neat sketch (4) “The Shawbuckers are thicker,” Parrish said. What class of operation is used either where the signal needs to be cut in half, such as in pulse detector or noise detectors or where push-pull operation of two stages is required? I got interested in treble bleed circuits and did quite a lot of study both on the electrical theory and testing in practice: GuitarNutz 2 - A better treble bleed circuit The best type is a resistor and a cap in parallel between hot and centre lugs on the volume pot. If the resistance in parallel with a parallel resonant circuit is reduced, the bandwidth (A) Disappears (B) Becomes sharper (C) Increases (D) Decreases. What is the reason why RC coupling is not used to amplify extremely low frequencies? Calculate the value of the voltage regulation. 72. … When connected to a load the output drops to 56V. MCQs on Electrical Circuit Theory. This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Operational Amplifiers Applications from the book Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 10th Edition by Robert L. Boylestad. As is always the case, the transmitter capsule housing still contains process pressure; this will require bleeding. BLEED OFF CIRCUIT Bleed-off flow control circuits are found only in hydraulic systems and normally only in those with fixed-volume pumps. In the above filter circuit, the resistor is connected parallel to the capacitor. 75. A dc voltage supply provides 60V when the output is unloaded. Increasing the overall Beta is an advantage of. So in our example above, that 500 ton cooling tower is flushing 3.9 Million gallons of cooling tower water containing this toxic biocide down the drain every year. This extremely high molecular bonding strength allows our CWT3 treatment to hold significantly more minerals in the solution of the water without scale formation. 87. we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously, MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 3 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Electronic Circuits, Analysis, Design Series, Series of MCQ in Electronics Engineering | ECE Board Exam, Pinoybix Elex is officially on Google Play | First of …, Complete List of Reviewers to Pass Engineering Board Exam, MCQ in Machine Design and Shop Practice Part 8 | …, MCQ in Machine Design and Shop Practice Part 7 | …, MCQ in Refrigeration Engineering Part 8 | ME Board Exam, MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 10 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 9 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 8 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 7 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 6 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Electronic Circuits, Analysis, Design Part 5 – Answers, MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 5 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Electronic Circuits, Analysis, Design Part 4 – Answers, MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 4 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Electronic Circuits, Analysis, Design Part 3 – Answers, MCQ in Electronic Circuits, Analysis, Design Part 2 – Answers, MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 2 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Electronic Circuits, Analysis, Design Part 1 – Answers, MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 1 | ECE Board Exam. Role of Bleeder Resistors in Power Electronics Circuit: In high voltage DC power supply, capacitors are used to smooth out the fluctuations in the output side. ... Westech Performance dusted off its … 83. Thus, even we have t employ a filter circuit that includes an inductor as well as a capacitor. Answer: c Explanation: 4 to 1 multiplexer would have 4 inputs (X0, X1, X2, X3), 2 select lines (C1, C0) and 1 output (M). When a quarter-wave section transmission line is terminated by a short circuit and is connected to an RF source at the other end, its input impedance is . High voltage, high current gain, high power gain and low input resistance, C. Low voltage gain, high current gain, very high power gain and low input resistance. High viscosity 3. a) True b) False Ans: (a) 4. 57. Terlyn Cooling Tower Water Conservation Program, Florida Condos Conserve Cooling Tower Water, Terlyn Cooling Tower Water Conservation System, Water Conservation Program Overview Video, Reduce Cooling Tower Water Waste By Over 90%, How The Cooling Tower Water Conservation Program Works, Terlyn Cooling Tower Water Conservation Program Overview, Terlyn Cooling Tower Water Conservation Program Performance. In order to have more voltage gain from a transformer amplifier the transistor used should have. 71. In transistor amplifiers, what transformer is used for impedance matching? MCQs on Electrical Circuit Theory. 77. As you can see, cooling tower water conservation is not only important for general water conservation, but also from a pollution prevention standpoint. Because of the speed/power tradeoff, high-powered circuits may use two separate bleeder circuits. I got interested in treble bleed circuits and did quite a lot of study both on the electrical theory and testing in practice: GuitarNutz 2 - A better treble bleed circuit The best type is a resistor and a cap in parallel between hot and centre lugs on the volume pot. 51. But the only way for the circuit to flow with out the vent of the air bleed is through the primary bowl vent and the auxiliary idle bleed. 95. By increasing the saturation point, more minerals can exist in the system water and remain in the solution of the water without falling out of solution and forming scale. So power factor in DC Circuits is 1 and Only 1. Two signals 180 degrees out of phase to transistors of push-pull circuit. Why? At the moment, Pinoybix has become one of the most trusted engineering review sites helping thousands of aspiring engineers achieve their goals. 84. In a HRC fuse the time between cut-off and final current zero, is known as (A) total operating time (B) arcing time (C) pre-arcing time Answer 2 False Explanation: There is no concept of power factor improvement in DC Circuits because the phase angle (θ) between Current (I) and voltage (V) is 0 and the then power factor becomes Cos θ = 1. 86. 365 days per year) will flush over 3.9 Million gallons of water down the drain each year. The efficiency of class AB operation has a maximum of between _____________ percent. An oscillator employs ____________ feedback. The capacitors are considered ________________ in the dc equivalent circuit of a transistor amplifier. The largest theoretical voltage gain obtained with a common collector amplifier is, 91. Which frequency produces the highest noise factor? Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions. Open the bleed valve to vent process pressure to the atmosphere The transmitter is now out of service. 58. A typical cooling tower (500 ton, running 24 hrs day. Pinoybix.org is an engineering education website maintained and designed toward helping engineering students achieved their ultimate goal to become a full-pledged engineers very soon. Rotor resistance can also be varied steplessly using the circuit shown in figure (a). There is another aspect to cooling tower blowdown that is just as significant as the wasting of millions of gallons of water; this blowdown water contains toxic chemicals. A feedback circuit is ______________ frequency. 96. B. With no load on a circuit, I measure approx 15volts; Metal junction box shows 5V relative to ground when circuit powered. 1. Transformer coupling is used for _________ amplification. 65. We will remain open for business during the pandemic. Poor lubrication 2. Get Answer D. 20. Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions. High voltage gain, low current gain, high power gain and very low input resistance, B. The treble-bleed circuits corresponding with the American Professional Shawbucker pickups also consist of a capacitator and single resistor, accounting for the added lows of humbuckers. Bleed-off flow control circuit Bleed-off flow control circuit is also work successfully only with resistive load because we are also controlling here the fluid flowing to the inlet of the actuator. 79. … Forward bias to transistors of push-pull circuit, B. An amplifier configuration where the input signal is led to the emitter terminal and the output from the collector terminal is called, 60. bleeder-resistor-circuit. 16-5. The main toxic component of all legitimate cooling tower water treatment programs is a liquid biocide treatment. 1. An electronic transfer from one stage to the next is termed as ____________. (c) Norton’s theorem. It is with great pleasure, that I offer my endorsement to recommend Terlyn Industries, Inc for Community Managers throughout Associa Gulf Coast and CAI. With no load on a circuit, I measure approx 15volts; Metal junction box shows 5V relative to ground when circuit powered. The mineral content above the saturation point will fall out of the solution of the water and form hard mineral scale throughout the system. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 175 9.11 In the SCR tap-switch inverter, when SCR1 is fired (a) positive peak of the ac O/P is obtained (b) negative peak of the O/P is obtained (c) two-third to peak value is obtained (d) one-third of the peak value is obtained 9.12 In Fig. Why does voltage still exists when a circuit is broken by a 3-way switch? 8) Why accumulator are used in hydraulic circuit? Yes I understand that is backwards of how air bleeds work. NEXT: MCQ in Electronic Circuits Part 3 | ECE Board Exam. 89. A type of filter which is having a single continuous transmission band with neither the upper nor the lower cut-off frequencies being zero or infinite is called, 55. 93. 90. For constant- K high-pass filter cut-off frequency (in Hz) is given by. 66. A 1 H inductance carrying the current of amperes will store the energy of. 85. This high saturation point means that the level of minerals in the system water can be allowed to increase to 30X the level of minerals in the incoming water before bleed-off occurs. Now, the input to this circuit is given by the rectifier, and the output of the rectifier is pulsating DC. A bleed-off circuit works best in hydraulic circuits using fixed-volume pumps. Kirchhoff s current law states that (a) net current flow at … 64. The intermediate bleed provides air for the 3rd circuit. In other words there is no reactive component in DC Circuits so the power factor is 1. 63. 56. 68. A needle valve's inlet is teed into a line going to the cylinder and its outlet is connected to tank. 80. Multiple Choice Questions on RLC Circuits and Resonance - Set 01 MCQ RLC Circuits Edit Practice Test: Question Set - 01. There are two air-bleed circuits on the Mighty Demon; one bleeds air into the idle circuit, the other has a leaning effect on the high-speed circuit. Home » Electronics » Questions and Answers ». … Clearwater, FL 33762. This biocide is used on a constant basis to prevent biological growth in a cooling tower. A simple RC circuit, called a snubber circuit, has been used to protect power BJTs and thyristors. The result is a 90% reduction in the wastewater requirement of the cooling tower system versus 3 cycles of concentration. Why? A simple RC circuit, called a snubber circuit, has been used to protect power BJTs and thyristors. 62. This process dilutes the system water mineral concentrations that steadily increase due to water evaporation. In the initial stages of a multistage amplifier, ____________ coupling is used. Unlike traditional water treatment, the Terlyn Cooling Tower Water Conservation Program’s scale inhibitor technology raises the saturation point of the system water to 30X the level of minerals in the incoming potable water. a) Bleed off circuit is used to restrict the flow of fluid into the hydraulic cylinder b) Bleed off circuit is used to restrict the flow of fluid out of the hydraulic cylinder c) Bleed off circuits are used to reduce the speed of actuator (b) Superposition theorem. The circuit in Figure 16-5 operates a slide gate on a waste material bin that opens hydraulically to fill a transfer truck. c. a clamper circuit with negative bias d. a clamper circuit with positive bias 14. Property Manager, Parkshore Plaza St. Pete. The final stage of an amplifier uses ____________ coupling. 4 to 1 MUX would have _____ a) 2 inputs b) 3 inputs c) 4 inputs d) 5 inputs View Answer. In the first two months on the program we have conserved 649,800 gallons of water, and our water bills dropped over $6,000 compared to the same months of the previous year. Integrated Circuit (3) Magnetism & Electromagnetism (21) Modulation (10) Multiple Choice Questions / Quiz (3) Rectifier and Regulated Power Supply (8) Resistance and Resistive circuits (13) Semiconductor (6) Tech (7) Thermoelectricity (4) Thyristors (6) Transformer (6) Two Port Network (1) This type of flow control circuit bleeds off excess fluid to tank. 92. Cooling tower bleed-off/blowdown is the flushing of a portion of high mineral concentration cooling tower system water down the drain, while simultaneously replacing it with fresh water. 1. Following is the list of practice exam test questions in this brand new series: P (b) received energy. ‣ Objective Type Question or MCQ of Electrical Circuits and Magnetic Fields page-20 ... Thevenin’s equivalent circuit can be used to calculate the power loss in the original circuit. There is little or no advantage to using this type flow control with pressure-compensated pumps. The intermediate circuit is only adjustable externally by the air bleed and to tune it otherwise would require you to take the fuel bowl and metering block off of the carburetor. The gain of an amplifier __________ when negative feedback is added. 10.40. Power amplifiers handle _____________ signals. Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series: MCQ in Transmission Fundamentals . Which of the following is provided by a CB transistor amplifier? This is achieved by increasing the saturation point of the system water using a scale inhibitor treatment. b. bleed off circuit is used to restrict the flow of fluid out of the hydraulic cylinder c. bleed off circuits are used to reduce the speed of actuator d. all of the above ANSWER: bleed off circuits are used to reduce the speed of actuator 76. The simplest variable frequency sinusoidal oscillator is the. 51. If an amplifier has a power gain of 100, then its dB gain is, 88. Learn Semiconductor Diode MCQ questions & answers are available for a Electrical Engineering students to clear GATE exams, various technical interview, competitive examination, and another entrance exam. Given three amplifiers with a gain of 10 and are connected in cascade. 67. What oscillator is used on order to produce frequencies in the microwave region? So it is really essential to add a bleeder resistor to avoid any mishaps. What is the advantage of RC coupling scheme? b. capacitive . This circuit is more efficient than meter-in or meter-out, as pump output is only high enough to overcome resistance. This set of Digital Electronic/Circuits MCQs focuses on “Multiplexers(Data Selectors) – 2”. 59. This breaks down to approximately 10,800 gallons of waste per day, 450 gallons per hour, or 7.5 gallons per minute being flushed down the drain from the cooling tower system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For BJTs a snubber circuit consists of a small series inductor L connected in the collector circuit, and an RC network is connected between the collector and emitter as shown in Figure. Why does voltage still exists when a circuit is broken by a 3-way switch? This process dilutes the system water mineral concentrations that steadily increase due to water evaporation. Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) on Network Theorem 1. March 19, 2017 by admin « Back CONTENTS Next » 1. This means that the system water’s mineral concentration can be allowed to increase to 30X the level of minerals in the make-up water without forming scale. Quickly evaporates by thebuzzfeed with answers and explanation. What is the cause for low voltage when the breaker is off? Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) on Magnetic Circuit for Electrical Engineering. a) The saturation voltage V CF of silicon transistor is more than germanium transistor. Scale formation will occur if the concentration of minerals in a cooling tower system’s water increases to a level higher than the saturation point of the system water. Smaller bleed will enrich, larger will lean. “While rolling down on the volume, the lows come up, so I wanted to push them back down a little to level out the sound.” 82. But it is also useful to improve the voltage regulation and a tapped resistor used as a voltage divider. 1. Its dB gain is, 88 gain of 100, then its dB is. 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Next: MCQ in Electronic circuits Part 3 | ECE Board Exam of class AB operation has little in... Water without scale formation theorem 1 will fall out of phase to transistors of push-pull circuit, a... Tower system versus 3 cycles of concentration phase to transistors of push-pull circuit »! Concentrations that steadily increase due to water evaporation a 90 % reduction the... Initial stages of a common base amplifier are, a, d. Electrical size of coupling Cc... Called a snubber circuit, the input signal is led to the Next is as. Review sites helping thousands of aspiring engineers achieve their goals one at a time resistors which are used high! Cause for low voltage when the output drops to 56V high frequency oscillators transistor?. Driver transformer has center- tapped secondary to provide, a 500 ton, 24! And very low input resistance, b tower system versus 3 cycles of concentration steplessly using the circuit shown figure. 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